Top Of The Week

What things should you do before you start cooking or baking?

Clear all the work space you can. Grab a side towel and find your pot holders.

What do you do before cooking baking?

The 5 best things to do before baking Read the recipe. Before you do anything else, make sure you read the full recipe...

What is the most important thing to do when cooking?

The way we cook our food is just as important as the way we prepare and store it. Improper cooking is a common cause of...

What are the basic concepts of cooking?

Cooking is defined as the transfer of energy from a heat source to food. This energy alters the molecular structure of...

How do beginners learn to cook?

Like anything, learning to cook well takes practice. Invest in a set of frying pans.

What skills are needed for cooking?

There are times when organizing your skills into categories can bring clarity. To achieve this, divide your skills into...

Editors Picks

What is the most common cooking techniques used in cookery?

What is the most common cooking techniques used in cookery?

These are the most basic cooking techniques to help you survive your first culinary year as a university student. This...

What is the most important cooking skill in the kitchen?

What is the most important cooking skill in the kitchen?

Knife skills From correctly gripping the knife to cutting precisely, there are several techniques for manipulating a...

What are the things to be prepared before cooking?

What are the things to be prepared before cooking?

Clear all the work space you can. Grab a side towel and find your pot holders.

What are the most important things to consider in cookery or cooking?

What are the most important things to consider in cookery or cooking?

It's important to have 1 or 2 good knives. Prepare your space and your ingredients.

What are the techniques of cooking most commonly used in chinese cuisine?

What are the techniques of cooking most commonly used in chinese cuisine?

There are hundreds of cooking methods in China. However, the most common methods are sautéing, frying, shallow frying,...

What are the 15 different ways of cooking food?

What are the 15 different ways of cooking food?

Grilling is the method of cooking food over direct heat. To steam, food is placed in a steamer that is held over hot...